Talitha Kum Aotearoa New Zealand

Aotearoa New Zealand Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ANZRATH) is an organisation set up to raise awareness of the very real and persistent human trafficking and slavery industry in this world – raising awareness and seeking to combat this industry altogether. The ANZRATH Mission Statement is:


“We are a group with a primary focus directed towards raising awareness of and combating human trafficking and slavery. We seek justice for those in need and strive to be a voice for those that cannot speak up themselves. We speak for those in need in our own country and also on an international level. Our members include Sisters, Brothers and lay people. We work in collaboration with other organisations who strive to combat this terrible evil which enslaves many millions of human beings today.


As part of our mission to work towards transforming the world, the cenacle sisters are proud to be a part of organisations that seek justice in this world. Sister Anne Powell is an active member of the Wellington ANZRATH group and for more information on ANZRATH, contact Sr Anne Powell, Cenacle Sisters, office@cenacle.org.nz. And see www.anzrath.com.



Interesting and important articles on anti-trafficking and related matters:

Sr Anne Powell RC “Consumer Power Making a Difference” by Sr Anne Powell (of the Cenacle, Waikanae).

Andrea Dean “The Living Hell of Modern Slavery”, published in Tui Motu InterIslands, issue 213, March 2017 (reprinted with the kind permission of Andrea Dean, the author, and Ann Gilroy RSJ, the Editor of Tui Motu InterIslands).



Stop Trafficking – anti human trafficking newsletter June 2017 (US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking).


Other useful links include: